Italian Restaurant41


This term Year 8 students were given an opportunity to role play at their own Italian restaurant as part of their food unit.

In the weeks leading up to the event, students spent time in class creating Italian menus, writing their script and rehearsing their roles and duties for this event. Incorporating role play into the language classroom was overall beneficial for the students because it encouraged cooperation and opportunities to use the Italian language while also having a lot of fun.

The restaurant was open on Tuesday 26 June, Tuesday 3 July, and Friday 6 July in the CLS.

Miss Henriquez would like to thank Mrs Refalo and the Stage 4 Team for participating in the Italian role play and to all the wonderful Year 8 parent/caregivers who cooked for this event.

Italian Restaurant24

Italian Restaurant27

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St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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