Year 7 Mock Trial


This week Mrs Pastoors’ Year 7 class  took on a very imaginative and creative mock trial.

Students have been studying the movie “The Chronicles of Narnia” in English and studying “Following Jesus” in Religion. The integrated learning across these two topics, has allowed Year 7 to apply their own knowledge of making moral decisions and showcase this in a class mock trial.

Students focused on the main character, Edmund, who betrayed his family but was later forgiven. They  took on different characters from the movies along with other witnesses and extra characters such as attorneys, jury and even security to act out a mock trial of Edmund.

The students had a fantastic experience taking on these characters in a different setting from the movies. The students were able to creatively reflect on their lessons about moral decision-making in the form of acting, improvisation and debating.

Year 7 Mock Trial

Year 7 Mock Trial


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St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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