Tobruk Sheep Station

Last Wednesday, 17 September, Year 10 Agriculture students visited Tobruk Sheep Station to gain more knowledge on the wool and meat sheep industry that they had been learning about throughout Term 3. The students had the opportunity to take part in a great range of activities at the Station including sheep shearing, making damper, heating up the billy, cracking whips, rounding up the sheep, arm wrestles and throwing boomerangs. One of our students was also dressed up like a sheep shearer while shearing a sheep. 

    Tobruk Sheep Station      Tobruk Sheep Station

Excursions such as Year 10’s visit to Tobruk Sheep Station give students a hands on learning experience, providing great resources that relate to their current theory and on-campus work. In this case, the excursion has provided greater knowledge around the wool growth of the new Terra Sancta College lamb, Bambi! 

      Tobruk Sheep Station      Tobruk Sheep Station

Tobruk Sheep Station

Tobruk Sheep Station

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St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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