On Friday, 10 October, four students from Terra Sancta College joined in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Conference “Pathways to Success”.
The students from Terra Sancta along with fellow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from other local schools participated in a variety of workshops with special motivational speakers, elders from the community, representatives from UWS/UWSCollege and TAFE as well as Defence and Police.
Mr Robert Feeney has been an ongoing member and Chairperson of the Nirimba Education Precinct Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Working Group - who continue to organise a range of events and opportunities for these students.
This very important event within the Indigenous program assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to find their own pathway to success by considering a range of vocations, seeking to encourage and motivate a strong sense of belonging, self-worth and a focus on the future in the students.
Students at Terra Sancta College take pride in supporting and engaging in the Indigenous programs within the Nirimba Education Precinct. Brandon Huges of Year 12 put time aside from his HSC study to take part in the day, playing his didgeridoo for the guests many times throughout the event. Brandon’s sister Ieashia Huges along with Ashley McCarthy and Jay Cattell engaged with the guest speakers, looking into future options and pathways of success.