Bambina the new lamb at Terra Sancta College


Last Wednesday, 20 August, the Year 10 Agriculture students welcomed a newly born lamb to Terra Sancta College.

Bambina, named Bambi for short, was born on the 13th of August  at Anthony Said’s (Year 9) grandparents’ farm just up the road from the College.

Bambi is a Suffolk cross lamb, which explains where she gets her black head and legs from. Agriculture teacher, Miss Idone, has been taking care of Bambi of a night and bringing her to school for the students to enjoy until she is old enough to stay at the College on her own. Year 10 were very excited to be the first to meet Bambi on Wednesday while they carried out their usual duties with the other animals and crops in the agriculture plot.

Year 10 are currently studying a unit on wool within Agriculture and will be studying both Bambina and Shaun the sheep to look at their development, the animal husbandry operations required and their wool. These students  not only learn how to handle and care for sheep but also have the opportunity to experience the responsibilities and joys of caring for a lamb from birth.

Bambina the new lamb at Terra Sancta College

Bambina the new lamb at Terra Sancta College


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St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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