The theme for Stage 5 was "Listen - Believe - Emerge" and embraced the sense of struggle being a necessary part of late adolescence.
Mr Feeney spoke about the struggle to emerge as young adults ...
It’s a struggle sometimes. Discovering and developing the gifts and talents that reside within you. It’s a struggle because we listen to voices of discouragement. It’s a struggle because we may not believe we possess certain gifts and talents.
It’s a struggle because no matter how hard we work it seems like we are never going to develop or get better. And how can we emerge when all we experience is the struggle? The Butterfly…Who knows better about struggle than the butterfly? The caterpillar succeeds in emerging as a butterfly because its struggle is a result of its trust in its source.Do you trust your source enough to struggle? You know, your greatest source comes from parents’ love and confidence in you — They trust that your gifts & talents will be discovered/developed by you — and they love you enough to allow you to struggle as those gifts emerge. Will you Listen and Believe during the struggle so your gifts Emerge?