ATSI Reconciliation Ceremony


On Wednesday, 28 May, eight Terra Sancta students from the Nirimba Campus joined in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation Ceremony within the Nirimba Precinct.

Students, teachers and professionals from all areas of the precinct gathered together to share discussions around this year’s theme “Lets walk the talk” – encouraging those to take part in Reconciliation.

Leesha Huges, Brandon Huges, Jade Macarthy, Tyler Charles and Tiana Ryland represented the ATSI culture within Terra Sancta College at the Ceremony.

After listening to some insightful speeches including the “Welcome to Country” by precinct elder, Uncle Greg Simms – the students gathered outside to leave their handprint on the Nirimba Precinct Reconciliation banner and enjoy a barbeque lunch.

“It’s a great way to express my culture and heritage,” said Brandon Huges, Year 12. These students proudly represented the College on the day. Terra Sancta College continues to support the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture within the school throughout a range of programs and activities such as this.


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St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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