On Tuesday 7 August, Year 10 Commerce students and Year 11 Legal studies students participated in the Parliament Alive Incursion.
Guest speakers from the Parliamentary Education Office in Canberra (Anne Kennedy and Andrew Beck) spoke to the students about the Australian Parliament system.
Students also had the opportunity to put themselves in the roles of senators and ministers of government as they reenacted scenarios. Students found this to be an invaluable hands-on experience that has further enhanced their understanding for their studies, as shown from the recounts below.
“Andrew demonstrated how a bill is made in the senate by getting the students involved. Each student had a specific role and a script of what they would say if they were in this position. He also explained to the students how there are many ways you are able to work for parliament and how (and why) the Labor Party usually wins elections.”
— Year 10 Student Alicia Hanna
“As one of the legal studies students, I found that the incursion was very interesting to see the dynamics of how the senate and the House of Representatives work. Having the whole class involved in discussing and being able to participate allowed each of us have a further understanding of the process of how bills are passed”
— Year 11 Student Kathleen Chiddo