Terra Sancta College Schofields Blood Donors


On Friday, July 25, brave teachers and students from Years 11 and 12 donated blood with the Australian Red Cross Mobile Blood Service.

Although there were many students willing to donate on the day, there were many prerequisites that they had to meet before getting the all clear to go ahead. There’s a LONG list to tick off to ensure that each donor is healthy, prepared and well enough to remain stable after donating from what you had for breakfast, to whether you’ve been to the dentist in the past week!

Still, there were many who stepped up into the bus, bravely donated and came out with big smiles and a bag full of goodies to eat. Everyone at Terra Sancta College would like to thank those students and teachers who made a difference on the day - donating to save lives.

Blood Service July 25


For those who wish to donate the next time, the list below includes the kind of prerequisites the Blood Service will be looking out for! Most people are able to give blood if they:

  • are aged between 16-70 years old
  • weigh more than 45kg
  • are healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time
  • have had plenty of liquid in the past 24 hours before donating
  • have had at least 3 glasses of water/juice in the 3 hours before donating
  • eat something in the 3 hours before donating (savoury and salty are best)
  • have brought ID, including one form of photo identification.

Other factors that may influence whether you may donate include:

  • if you have travelled overseas recently/where you have travelled
  • if you have visited the dentist in the past week and other medical factors that are discussed in the preparation interview.

Terra Sancta College Schofields Blood Donors


We hope to see many more of our students willing and prepared for the next Australian Red Cross Blood Service visit! Again, well done and thank you to all of those who donated.


Written By

St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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