On Tuesday, 4 November, all students from Years 7-10 joined each other in the Gathering Area at Schofields for a fun filled Science assembly.
The assembly began with a beautiful prayer and a science report from Year 7. They shared some very interesting facts about all ends of science that many of us didn’t know. Year 9 students also spoke with the students and teachers about their recent science assignment.
Earlier this year, a selected amount of students participated in an international science competition. We had some fantastic results including many students who received credits, distinctions and high distinctions. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the competition!
There’s always an opportunity for house teams to earn a few extra house points at assemblies. It was time for a science experiment with a twist. This was an experiment with the aim of blowing up a balloon big enough to have power push a straw along a piece of line once it was released. A student from each house was selected to carry out this experiment on behalf of their house team - Brady won!
It was then time for the big finale - The TSC science version of “Family Feud”! Each house selected a team for 4 students to represent the house teams in a scientific family feud, with surveys and results created by the students themselves. The game was played out with two houses versing each other to determine who would play in the final. The game was quite close in the final between Locke and Therry - but Locke took out the TSC science Family Feud Championship!
Mr Smith then ended the assembly with the Cooperating Principals’ Address, discussing the fantastic sense of community and belonging that we share at the College and other exciting news for the College as we come near to the end of the year.