Living Out Charitable living


TSC Alumni India Project launched at the Rouse Hill Centre with Fr Mathew and Fr Joby from the Missionary Fathers of Our Lady of La Salette.

Fr Mathew and Fr Joby spoke to Mr Feeney, Miss Shaw, Alex Petrocco, and Savannah Zwerus about visiting the two educational centres TSC are supporting in India.

In Term 3 2014, TSC will support two schools in India through our Charitable Living initiatives. These funds will contribute to the educational needs of the school in India. In order to provide opportunities of education to young people who may not go to school. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. The TSC alumni will be travelling to India to contribute personally to the project in late November. Expressions of interest are due to Mr Feeney by 11 June.

Fr Matthew thanked the former students of TSC for continuing their mission of Christ to the poor.


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St John Paul II Catholic College

St John Paul II Catholic College
The way passes through this land

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