Premier's ANZAC Memorial Scholarship

Premier's ANZAC Memorial Scholarship

NSW Office of Veterans Affair

This year SJPII is very proud to announce that students Olivia Murace 10.02 and Pippa Vasquez 10.02 applied for the Premier's ANZAC Memorial Scholarship offered by the NSW Office of Veterans Affairs. The scholarship was open to all students in Year 10 and 11 studying History and if successful, gives students a fantastic opportunity for hands-on learning of the history of Australians at war through a 2 week study tour through NSW. Accompanied by a military historian, the tour includes visits to significant historical sites to learn about and commemorate the military service of Australian men and women. 


Both students were required to submit a history task or piece of work, a 1000 word personal statement and a Teacher and Principal recommendation in order to apply. We wish both of these girls all the best as they eagerly await the result of their application. 

